Scarlet Letter

Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

My Photo
Location: Vatican City

At vver eos et accusam dignissum qui blandit est praesent luptatum delenit aigue excepteur sint occae. Et harumd dereud facilis est er expedit distinct. Yoii rockem sockem mow-em yown. Manarie li que vaqeriao.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Garing..............(Gara-Gara Tulang Kering)

Fresh from The Oven
Iya nih...kenapa ya ga da postingan baru. Ampe dapet komplen dr bandar virus, blog g lagi garing huhuhu.

Bener sih, garing (gara-gara tulang kering), kemaren manjat2 tangga mo ambil sesuatu dr atas lemari, eh gubrak…biru2 deh. Dah gitu ada yg nyuruh ke dokter pulak, mosok memar aja ke dokter, ntar cuma dielus2 aja trus diketawain. Ada tiga tempat sih memarnya, di pergelangan kaki, tulang kering, and samping dengkul, gak bisa pake rok dong ya ( gak ngaruh, seumur2 g pake rok cuma pas lebaran ama wkt jalan2 jauh dr rumah biar gada yg liat )

Yawda, doain betis kesebelasan g cepet sembuh, biar bisa mulai olah raga jumat besok. Eh eh g sekarang membernya fitness centre ahahhaha, ga jelas apa tujuannya.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

All About Eve

All About Eve 2nd Album Cover “Scarlet and Other Story”

Cuma gara2 di puji once kalo pic attachment gue di posting sblm ini bagus eh poemnya jg kan (maksa bener).....tiba2 pengen bikin sedikit resensi sambil nunggu ngantuk.

Gambar itu adalah cover album dari group musik “
All About Eve” asal Britain taun 80´an, alirannya goth rock dipengaruhi sedikit folk-rock and beberapa lagunya bernuansa hippiedom and white-magic mysticism. Anggotanya ganti2 terus sih tapi band itu dimotorin Julianne Regan.

Album pertamanya release taun 1988 titlenya “Martha´s Harbour” nahhhhh...gambar yg gue pajang itu berasal dari album kedua-nya, di release setaun kmudian yg titlenya “With Scarlet (Sc4rlet and Other Stories)”

Simple aja sebenernya kenapa gue suka gambar itu...karna ada “sc4rlet” nya wohohoo...makin ga mutu banget ya postingan gue, ketauan deh sisi sentimentil gue...whatever deh...tapi since gue baca novel Scarlet Letter trus nonton pelemnya (ga nyambung sih antara novel ama filmnya)...uhmm gak tau ya...Film itu ..ahhh gimana ya...ya gitu deh ahahha mending nonton aja kali ya sendiri..its about woman´s sacrifation of love..jieeee...tambah norak kan gue ahahahha.....dah sana buru2 nonton, mumpung dvd bajakan belom dilarang.

Scarlet Letter´s Film Poster

All About Eve

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Night´s Inspiration

How long the cries of heartache
Echo in the darkest night,
Is there sweet relief for us
With no end of grief in sight...

Hurting, lost without a friend
Where do they weep today,
Confused by life rejection
What could they like to say.

Tender hearts bear painful scars
But God preserves the tears,
Recording every whimper
Pouring from their fears..

Here they see through darkest windows
With much anguish that is born,
But, this ocean full of weeping

Will never spill on heaven´s door.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Hookah !!

Lupa nama cafe nya apaan

Kemaren gue bolos skola hihihi.....rencana mo blajar krn jumat ada Test, tapi yang namaya rencana tinggal rencana, yang ada gue ngider2 kota ga jelas. ( skrg begadang bayar utang blajar) :(

Pokoke ampe kehausan krn ngider2, akhirnya nemu satu cafe, punya orang mesir, tadinya cuma mo ngopi or nge teh, gak aneh ya? Belom...disitu ternyata disediain hookah ato water pipe ato orang egypt sendiri bilangnya shisha.

Iseng2, gue tanya..”boleh ga gue coba?” (soale waktu gue ke mesir pas di alexandria/iskandariah ga kesampean) eh ternyata dia nyodorin menunya, bisa tembako ato buah2an, gue cari yg aman aja, gue pilih rasa apel ahahhaha, kebayang ga sih ngerokok aroma apel gitu.

Gak sampe 5 menit dia dateng bawa teh, sama hookah itu tadi....bentuknya spt di photo deh, caranya ya...areng/coal nya itu dari apel yg dipanggang, potongan apel yg membara ditaro di bagian atas hookah yang dialasin alumunium foil and dibolong2in, abis gitu dia kasih plastik (kyk sedotan tp lebar) khusus buat cover pipa yg ke mulut kita2, soalnya kan alatnya dipake sapa aja, abis gt kita hirup lah seperti orang ngerokok...lucu jg sih rasanya..udah gt brisik suara aer didalem tabung yg bergelembung2 krn kita hirup.

Rasanya enak juga kok, ngerokok tapi ga bau, malah baju ampe rambut beraroma apel eh tapi ga tau juga kalo kira pilih coalnya itu tembako murni ato mixed fruit, besok2 kalo kesana lagi gue mo tanya ada yg rasa duren ga? trus gue ngunyah karet gelang deh kan berasa makan dodol duren, Yuhuuu...

Gak krasa ampir 2 jam lebih asyik masyuk menghirup hookah....oh ya ada resep khusus ngerokok hookah, ternyata asepnya itu jangan di telen spt org ngerokok tp langsung dikluarin lagi lewat mulut.

Asta lavista Hookah..

Hookah Action di Mesir bin Egypt

Friday, February 09, 2007

Breaking News !!

Having a chat with beloved_one, we talked about my previous posted (Give These Idiots a Break!!!!) about an US Senator for Illionis and Chicago, then he said, he ever heard that this obama ever lived in Indonesia when he was a l´il boy, I gained more information about this guy “Barack Obama”.

Apparently, this obama had spent his chilhood in indonesia for 4 years, thats the thing which attract my attention, better look at the reference, I´ve compiled below (more like his Biography),

OBAMA, Barack, a Senator from Illinois; born in Honolulu, Hawaii, August 4, 1961; obtained early education in Jakarta, Indonesia, and Hawaii; continued education at Occidental College, Los Angeles, Calif., and Columbia University, New York City; studied law at Harvard University, where he became the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review, and received J.D. in 1992; lecturer on constitutional law, University of Chicago; member, Illinois State senate 1997-2004; elected as a Democrat to the U.S. Senate in 2004 for term beginning January 3, 2005

Obama's parents, Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Sr., met and married in Honolulu _ a white woman from the mainland and a black man from Kenya.

After that marriage failed, Obama, at age 6, left Hawaii to live for four years in Indonesia with his mother and Indonesian stepfather, Lolo Soetoro. In 1971, she sent Obama, then 10, back to Hawaii to be with his maternal grandparents mostly because she wanted him to receive his education at Punahou, which boasts of a rigorous high school curriculum (is that mean indonesian curriculum worst LOL).

Obama is especially proud of being a husband and father of two daughters, Malia, 8 and Sasha, 4. Obama and his wife, Michelle, married in 1992 and live on Chicago ’s South Side where they attend Trinity United Church of Christ.

That´s all folks....I satisfied with what I found and feed my curriousity

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Give These Idiots a Break!!!!

An email came to my inbox, a friend of mine sent me this, after having a good read, I cant handle myself from gigling...I thought its nice to share.....find bellow the email;

A Chicago, Illinois, radio station recently conducted a live survey on a man called Barack Obama.

Question 1: Do you think Barack Obama is a dangerous terrorist?
Calls flooded to the radio station and the listeners unanimously, and assertively, agreed that Barack Obama was a dangerous terrorist and that the US military should relentlessly track him down until he was killed.

Question 2: Which country is Mr Obama the President of? Is it Sudan, Algeria, Egypt or Saudi Arabia?
Most listeners confidently replied one of these countries, with a majority opting for Algeria. Obviously, the term Islamist was born in Algeria. So where else could Barack Obama be living other than in Algeria?

Well, it turns out that Barack Obama is the US Senator for Illinois and Chicago (where the survey was conducted) is a large city in the state of Illinois (in fact, it is one of the largest cities in the United States). So if these wise and powerful Americans do not even know who their own Senator is and consider him as a dangerous terrorist, why are we expecting them to understand what is happening in Iraq or Palestine, or anywhere else for that matter?

Please give them a break!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Oops I did it again.......

Tumben gue bingung mo ngomong apa..... biasanya otak and jari2 lancar2 aja kalo lagi punya ide pengen posting sesuatu.

Eniwe gue cuma mo cerita aja, gue melakukan kesalahan kemaren malem, kesalahan yang pernah gue lakuin beberapa waktu yang lalu....sesuatu yang gue tau itu salah tapi tetep aja godaan untuk melakukan lebih besar, kesalahan yang gue ga sesali, jadi apa dong kalo gitu. Arghhh.....bingung. Gapapa deh, Orang kan belajar dari kesalahan toh....

I´m just human being though.....gue bukan green creature or ogre called shrek or shrik (coz am a woman) who lives in muddy swamp...but most people have lived in a muddy (not in the real Mud of course)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Wahai lelaki...apa sih maumu?!! (part 2,The End)

Semalem abis maem tiba2 ngantuk berat, padahal niat nerusin crita, sebelom ilang mood, pagi2 gue terusin aja deh..

Yah gitu deh…abis baca sms itu, gue sampe ambil napas dalem2, gak ngarti sama sekali apa sih maunya ini laki2. perasaan ada lagu dangdut tp ga inget sapa yang nyanyi…kalo ga salah bait reffreinnya “….kau yang mulai, kau yang mengakhiri, kau yang berjanji kau yang mengingkari….“

Jadi inget hubungan gue terakhir sblm jaman kang kabayan, dia yang kirim2 message ke FS gue, dia yang yakinin gue kalo keraguan gue krn jarak, krn ini, krn itu not a big deal..dia yang udah boongin gue banyak kali dan sll gue maafin, gue yang udah bela2in nyebrang langit, tau2 dia ngilang tanpa kabar…yang pas gue sms dia malah bilang, you start annoying me… halaahhh plis dehhh…gue ini sapa gitu lho, kalo ada kabarnya jg ngapain gue sms, padahal brapa susahnya ngomong dia mo apa…mana jg gue tau maunya dia kaaann?! …udah ah, vergisst es :(

Balik lagi crita fans gue, oh iya sehari sblm dia ngomong itu sbnrnya dia maen ke apartment gue, nganterin oleh2 dari Tunisia…lucu sih, keramik buat tempat lilin bentuknya kubah (gambar menyusul hihi ga sempet motret).

Yang ngagetin tuh kemaren, pas gue siap2 brangkat, tau2 ada tlp ke HP gue, pas gue angkat, ternyata doi yang telpon, ihh kaget aja deh gue, itu blom seberapa, pas gue bilang hallo…dia bilang „ Ich bin unten“ watatiiitaaaa !!! sejuta topan badai dan kutu busuk !!! dia dibawah, depan pintu gedung apartment gue !! healaaahhh.

Akhirnya kita brangkat bareng, sepanjang perjalanan gue berusaha biasa2 aja, malah dianya kayak orang mo di sunat, gelisah gitu. Pas gue tanya, „ ngapain sih loe pake repot2 jemput gue“ dia bilang „...gue takut elo marah krn sms gue“ ahahhaha apa coba.

Ughh, bikin gue males aja deh skrg skola, udah gitu kita emang pendidikan buat disiapin kerja mayoritas buat ditempatin di Airport, kebetulan dia Lulusan Aircraft n Avionics Mechanic dr Prancis, lagi mikir kalo kita kelar pendidikan ini trus kerja bareng, bisa tiap hari ketemu dooohhh males aja. Mending gue balik lagi kerja di tempat dulu deh.

Lelaki…..ternyata dari belahan bumi mana juga tetep gabisa gue ngerti jalan pikirannya. Bener aja kalo ada idioms bilang, laki2 sama prempuan itu dateng dari planet yang beda, „Men are from Mars…Women are from Venus“

Salah satu penulis kelahiran Inggris, John Gray. Dia bilang "Thats not only do men and women speak different languages, they behave and react differently to the same situations. He feels that if we are not aware that we are supposed to be different, men and women expect the other sex to be more like ourselves. Only in recognizing these differences can we learn to communicate."

Ahh...lelaki....apa sih maunya ya?....haruskan kita kursus bahasa Mars?